Thursday, October 6, 2011

CONTEST: Cheerleading 101

            There isn’t one moment I can pinpoint and say definitively that this is the most awkward encounter I’ve ever had with my parents. In fact, I’ve had so many that I probably cannot choose. Whether it was my sister walking around the house with a sex toy asking what it is, or finding my father’s porn stash in his shirt drawer, it is expected at this point. 
            However, a very awkward situation arose at a basketball game- who would have guessed? I was excited to finally get out of the house and enjoy some college basketball with my good friend and my father. It was a great game at the end of the first half, and I was pumped to see the rest. However, that was quickly thwarted. During halftime the cheerleaders ran out to do a performance. As a male cheerleader was lifting down a female one, she awkwardly fell on his shoulders with her crotch in his face. My friend and I started to giggle, until my father looked over and said, “You see that, that’s what your mother and I do.”


  1. How fast can i call bullshit. #thisfast

  2. I mean it's true. waste your time commenting on articles. #yoursoooocool.
