Thursday, September 22, 2011


Dear Quinn,

         I decided to write a post for this blog because it seemed to me that no true opinions were being posted on the website, but rather the site consisted of bloggers over-analyzing and in an attempt to create a piece that would revolutionize the social thought of teenagers. My sole intent was to bring some comedy to this site, as evident through my theatrical post. What I do is an art. What YOU do is a cold habit. Why be so soon to criticize, when all I am succeeding in doing is bringing a laugh to my audience. Obviously YOU need a laugh. As the Joker creepily says, “Why so serious?” Life is too short to over-analyze and take offense to a piece that never had the intent to offend. I am a unique person with my own comedic views, are you suggesting that I neglect my sense of creativity and comedy? Are you suggesting that I am dumb? I wrote this post for entertainment purposes. We all sit in school for hours on end each day and listen to the drones of academic analysis, why would I write a piece that states the obvious? However, if further posts will not be appreciated, let me know. If you don’t want to hear from me, let me know. What I do is an art, what people who criticize do is an unwarranted habit.



  1. You can't dismiss all criticism as someone's cold habit. If there was no criticism there'd be no revision and we would never get anywhere as a species. It seems that you appear to be the one taking this personally, not Quinn. You need to reevaluate how this world works if you think that you are just putting something out there as dry humor then say it. Otherwise there is no way for anyone to take what you say seriously or find humor in it. There's my two cents. I'd also like to give a shout out to the man bravely patrolling our border, putting himself on the line for our safety. Go get em Jake!!!

  2. You're right, Quinn's the one overreacting...

  3. There’s certainly something to be said about wanting to bring joy to others. Bringing people happiness and relief through comedy is one of the more fun things to do in this world. That being said, we all really appreciated your attempt at doing just that, and urge you to keep pluggin' away until you finally hit one out. Until then, however, what I'm asking is that we try and keep from being so defensive. All that Quinn was doing was trying to get her opinion out just like you were, and I don't think it's fair to be as accusatory as you were being. It almost led me to think that there might be something more to all of this...mommy-problems? If you keep going around arguing with girls like this simply because they disagree with you then I would dial up the nearest prostitute because that little dream you have likely won't be coming true otherwise.

  4. But your post wasn't funny, dude.

  5. this blog needs to stop taking itself so seriously. fucking hipsters worrying about gender and shit instead of just enjoying things the way they are
