hard to believe that this is the 100th post on Student Parking
Only. Last September when Mark and I
were sitting in my kitchen plotting our next venture, we couldn’t have possibly
imagined how far it would take us. What
began as a cute plot at revenge against The Postscript quickly became a phenomenon
worthy of its own conversation. As we
racked up the page-views, as well as the comments, the hype for the blog
continued to grow.
true that as we moved on to college there were some lapses in writing—posts
were less frequent at times, and Mark has seemingly disappeared. Still, SPO remains dear to my heart, and I
hope it does for some of you too. 35,000
views and counting later, here are a few stats from the past year and a half on
the blog:
Total Page-Views: 35,833
Comments: 144
5 Most-Viewed Posts:
1. High School Menes (1064)—a post that called into
question the line between humor and malice, this was easily one of our most
2. That Time of Year (705)—when Mark asked Isabel
to prom, we weren’t the only ones on the edge of our seats.
3. Sophylis (532)—high school romance at its best.
4. That Time of Year…Again (447)—my proposition
didn’t go over quite as well as Mark’s.
5. Sex is Sex (437)—the first month of college had
me asking lots of questions.
Dollars Earned From
Advertisements: $51.93
Student Parking Only’s inception, Mark’s battled subjectivity, and I’ve battled
my social incompetence; I’ve shared my favorite TV shows, and Mark’s shared his
famous YouTube videos. J-Hay and Q had
their legendary rhetorical brawl, and Elinor defeated Pat in our inaugural
story contest by ever so slim a margin.
I bashed my peers for hiding behind the mask of anonymity and preying on
sophomore girls. Mark published all the
shit that I say, and asked his future girlfriend to prom. I wrote half a dozen posts about how
nostalgic I was to retire from baseball and leave home and go to college, and
then a dozen more about my first year’s experiences.
in all, it’s been a long ride. There
have been some great posts, and admittedly a few that are quite
lackluster. Nevertheless, the blog has
been the one thing in my life that’s remained constant since the beginning of
senior year. It’s amazing to think that
when I write a post, my high school friends, my fraternity brothers, and my
grandmother all read it. So thanks to
everyone for all the support. All I can
hope is that you keep reading as long as we have things to say.
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